Our WiFi wasn't working last night, so I couldn't post yesterday's pictures. I am so glad that the weather held out and our last day on the beach was just as beautiful as the first. Of course, Annistyn was perfectly happy in her beach chair. I felt bad that it was her last day. We will have to plan another trip for her sometime this summer. Here she is enjoying one last day on the beach:
Annistyn's Grandaddy came down Thursday afternoon, so he was able to spend the day on the beach with us on Friday:
Also, Michael left the condo while I was bathing Annistyn's sunscreen off. When he came back in, he had booked us a "surprise" parasailing trip! It was really fun!!!
Before dinner, I got a "few" pictures of Annistyn. I know that is a surprise!!!! I never take any pictures of her!
Here are a couple more from before dinner:
I realized I hadn't taken any "dinner" pictures all week. So here we are at dinner:
Well...sadly enough, the sun set on our vacation.
(If you can't read it, it says "Annistyn's First Beach Trip" in the sand)
We had a great time on Annistyn's first family vacation and right now I have a baby that is happily sleeping in her own bed and a puppy that is happily sleeping in his spot in front of her bed!
10 years ago
All of your beach pictures are wonderful! She is growing up way to fast, and is cute as ever! I'm so glad you guys had a great week!
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