You would think there was one living at ours if you saw all the BANANAS in the cabinet!
Annistyn tried bananas last night and she liked them almost as much as pears. I had to go to Wal-Mart (for the fourth time since FRIDAY!) and get a couple more jars. We don't buy more than one jar of something unless we know she likes it. Gotta save that 44 cents. So far- Applesauce was iffy, Pears were a definite YES, and bananas are a YES. Next on the menu- for later in the week- is Peaches. Here is my little monkey- covered in bananas:
I had some pictures from Thursday on my other camera and I've just managed to get them off of it. Thursday we celebrated a friend's birthday at lunch. Angela (we call her Auntie Angela) has been a good friend of our family's for as long as I can remember. We just love her to death! We took her out on Thursday, even though her real birthday was Friday. Here she is with Annistyn:
And here I am with Annistyn- who stopped to pose for the camera.
I hope you noticed that Annistyn wore her cupcake dress for the occasion. After she opened presents, Annistyn wanted to play with the bow. They all started joking that it looked like one of the big bows that I put on Annistyn. What do you think? I'm not that bad am I?
Then I had to try one on also. I thought we looked pretty festive!
Speaking of festive, isn't this THE cutest outfit you've ever seen?????
I wish I could tell you that I got a great bargain on this...but instead I'll admit that I had JUST found out we were having a girl and this was TOO CUTE. Okay, now I'll show you 4 outfits I've bought recently on Ebay. Sadly enough, I paid about the same in these FOUR outfits as I did in that ONE.
This morning, I was playing with some new elements I got for Photoshop and I thought they would match her tutu pictures from Saturday. I made this print with my favorite picture:
Well, that concludes your random information for the day. I have an AWFUL headache, so I'm going to bed. Tomorrow is my last day before going back to work, so we are having a big PAJAMA party- ALL day- at HOME! Just me, Annistyn, and Finley Dog!!!
10 years ago
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