Annistyn has always enjoyed looking at her feet, but lately she has really grown to love her left foot. She wants to hold on to it ALL the time!!! I took a couple of pictures last night while she was laying on her changing pad.
Here she is- chunky thighs and everything! :)
Here is a close-up and if you look really close- you'll see a hair in her hand also. Yes, that hair once belonged to me. She loves pulling it out!
She also tried carrots for the first time the other night. She really seemed like them. I think she just likes to eat. (She gets that from her Mommy!)
Here she is before the carrots:
And here she is after:
And this is her trying to get the spoon. She really doesn't want me to feed her. She wants to do it herself. She wants to do everything herself these days.
And here is a wet doggie sitting on the floor hoping that we have another "tater tornado" like a week ago when she tried sweet potatoes.
Oh, by the way, I know you LOVE the big basket of paint behind Annistyn in the pictures of her eating. YES- it is sitting on my kitchen table and has been for weeks. I like a clean house, but when it comes down to picking up the house, or playing with Annistyn- there is no competition. Being a Mommy is my first job. Being a housekeeper is waaaaayyy closer to the bottom of the list.
I've started letting her drink water in between bottles from a sippy cup. When we are eating, she always reaches for our drinks. I don't want to give her drinks with sugar in them or anything. But I think water is fine. This is her drinking from her new sippy cup.
It's one of the "transition" cups. We got it last Friday night at Wal-Mart. As you recall, we also got the bibs and fruit chewer thing. No wonder our bill was $80!!! We went tonight for this week's Wal-Mart trip, but it was Michael's turn to buy. Annistyn got a book for her "prize". It was really cute and when you turn the pages it reads the story to you. It's a counting story with farm animals. She loves books and music. We've been working on counting through five with my fingers. We also sing the ABC song, the How-to-spell-Annistyn song, and I sing a song about eyes, ears, mouth, and nose to her and we point to them. I know everyone thinks I'm crazy- but a child learns so much in the first five years of his/her life. Right now, she is soaking in information like a sponge. This sounds crazy- but she has gotten very accurate at grabbing my nose and eyes when I say those words. She also will pick out numbers 1 and 2 accurately. She is still working on the others. I'm going to put a video up one night though because I know no one believes me!!!
Last, I wanted to share with you my deal-of-the-day. It really didn't turn out to be too much of a deal... but I just HAD to have this dress I found on Ebay!!!!
It's a bulldog dress and that's our school mascot. How cute will she be dressed up for her first football game??? Now she has two dresses for football season. I'm going to make an outfit or two also.
I also ordered this from Kelly's Kids. I did not pay for monogramming this time. I will be doing that myself! I thought it was a really pretty outfit. It has a huge bow in the back.
Well I don't know about you- but I am SOOOO glad it's Friday and I will be home with my sweet baby ALLLLLL day tomorrow! I am going to finish up some things and go to bed! Hope your weekend is wonderful!!!!
10 years ago
You should check out Whenever we get pregnant I plan on getting that for our angel. You are right to start early!
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