Thursday, December 16, 2010

Build A Bear Nightmare

For the first time since summer, I feel like I can actually breathe!!!!! I am OFF work for TWO weeks. No teaching! No Digi Diva Designs! Just being a stay-at-home-mommy- which is harder than the other two combined!

My New Year's resolution is to balance my life a little better. I am SOOOOO thankful that my little dining room business (meaning I literally operate from my dining room table) was a success. However, I forgot what it is like to have "me" time. So... I hope to balance things a little better in 2011- even if that means working less. I definitely want to get back to blogging. It's my only journal and I miss being able to look back and read those silly little stories I tell about Annistyn all along. I say I'll never forget what she says/does, but I know since I haven't been keeping you up-to-date, I probably have forgotten so many things I should have shared.

We took Christmas card pictures a few weekends ago and I planned on using the brown dress and doing brown/blue cards. That was also my plan last year. Annistyn did not cooperate quite so well in the brown dress.

And though I did get a couple that I love, like this one of her trying to "catch" the wind....

....they weren't what I had imagined for our Christmas cards.

So while she was doing the Dora "We Did It Dance" in this dress, I caught this picture....

And I cropped it to what would become the front of our Christmas cards.

This is her- wild eyed and everything!!!!

I have taken pictures of her all along in her Christmas clothing. I don't think we quite had 25 outfits, like last year. I dare say that was SLIGHTLY extreme. We have several though and I will have a fashion post to update you on her latest apparel.

I just HAVE to share this story from last weekend that gave me the title I used tonight.

We went shopping in Destin and I was buying a gift card in Build-A-Bear. Annistyn was really interested in the animals and I talked Michael into letting her build one. We let her pick the animal. She chose a gray cat- surprise, surprise!

We waited in line behind 6 other people (it was PACKED) and there were at least that many behind us. It was our turn and we had been talking about what we were going to do to the kitty. When they put the kitty on the stuffing machine, Annistyn had a fit. She started screaming, "KITTY!!!!!!! OH NO, KITTY!!!! OH, NO!!!!!!" She thought they were hurting the cat and she didn't quit screaming until the lady handed her back. She snatched the kitty away and mumbled, "Thank you" in a hateful voice.
Then we went to the "bathing" station. Michael pressed the pedal to turn on the air dryer (to blow away stray hairs) and we just thought she had a fit at the stuffing machine. In the higheset pitch scream I have ever heard, she screamed at the top of her lungs and bolted towards the door. EVERY person in the store knew we were there.

It figures that I have the ONLY child that has a tramatic experience at Build a Bear.

When she calmed down, she picked out a furry white sweater and skirt for kitty and when I asked her what Kitty's name was she told me "Tutu". So Tutu Kitty is out newest addition to the Page family.

Just wanted to take a quick moment to share! I probably need to go assist Michael. He is talking ugly while putting together a pink kitchen in the living room. Oh the things Daddys do for their little girls! :)



Brookeanne said...

Oh WOW! Craziest coincidence ever! I had a dream last night that I started yelling at you that you haven't been blogging lately! Crazy pregnancy dreams, but I couldn't help by laugh out loud when I saw you had actually posted! I miss your blogs and great pictures of that gorgeous girl! I'm glad you're going to be back more! I hear you though... this year was way too hectic with tutoring, photography and everything else going on. I can't imagine keeping up with working full time as a teacher and doing your two side businesses! I also agree that doing the blog is so much more like a journal than anything else. I LOVED the Build-A-Bear story... poor kid! Can't wait for more :)! Merry Christmas!!!

Theresa said...

Ohmuh geeze! I laughed so hard, but only because I could see us having the exact same experience with NB. LOL Down to the gray kitty and everything. That is hilarious.