Thursday, January 29, 2009

A New Toy

Yesterday was my birthday and I had a great day! I have a couple of birthday pictures I'll put up soon. My mom brought me lunch to school. About 1:30, the mom of one of my students brought me an icecream cake. She gave me a gift certificate for a pedicure and a Tyler candle from Loot. Some of my family also sent me flowers to school. We went to eat at the Country Club with my mom, dad, Shelley, and her boyfriend. My mother had a senior moment- even though she's only in her 40's- and spelled my name wrong on my cake (????) She always makes and decorates my cake. I couldn't believe it considering she is the one that spelled my name that way in the first place when she named me!!!! We had a good laugh about it! They gave me several pieces of clothing that I had picked out at Beau Monde. Mostly loose fitting things for after Annistyn is born. My Daddy also gave me some shopping money when he brought me breakfast at 5:30 yesterday morning. I spent it today on some more looser fitting spring clothing at Ansley Place. Michael splurged and bought me a Nikon D80 camera, case, and memory card. I was really excited and hope to become more familiar with it. I love playing around with photography, so I know I'll have a blast photographing Annistyn! We have been practicing on Finley. Michael took some good ones of him today during his lunch break. Here are two that I thought were really cute:


Julie said...

Jeremy was telling me that Michael had been looking at buying a camera for you!! I love my D80 and still have lots to learn about all of it's capabilities. The pictures of Finley are sooo cute and I can't wait to see pictures of Annistyn that you take with your awesome new camera!