Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!!!!

Happy Easter to everyone! I hope your Easter has been as wonderful as ours. Here are some pictures to share of our special day:
Annistyn and her Easter dress and bonnet. And yes, she decided to spit right as I was taking her picture.

The Easter bunny came to visit!!!

Me and Annistyn- Yes, my arms look fat to me too!!! I'm working on them as well as the rest of my body:

Daddy and Annistyn:

My little bunny wearing th dress that me and Mom made testerday:

We ate lunch ar Grandmother's and I took some pictures of Shelley. Here are a few that I really liked:


Julie said...

First of all, you look GREAT to have just given birth a month ago! I STILL have weight to lose and need to get motivated to do so real soon.

Secondly, Annistyn's Easter dress is gorgeous, as well as she, and love all of her loot in her basket. ;)

Lastly, those are some beautiful images of your sis. She was fantastic as Mickey Mouse at JP's birthday party. She is sooo super sweet. I have the joy of seeing her every day at school b/c she's Mrs. McKinney's student mentor. :)

Have a restful week. Maybe Annistyn will sleep ALL through the night. :)