Wednesday, April 8, 2009

4 Weeks

I didn't get a chance to update yesterday- which was Annistyn's 4 week birthday. She hasn't had a real good week! We switched her to soy based formula last week- which helped a lot. I had milk alergies, as well as my sister, mom, aunt, grandma, etc... so we knew it might be a problem for her also. We had 2 REALLY good nights, but the last two nights I have had to put her in her carseat and drive her around to get her to sleep. It usually only takes 20 minutes. If you live in Woodlands- I am your new neighborhood watch patrol officer. I usually drive down the road and loop through there and then head back home. You may see me driving through there anywhere from 11-2 a.m. I usually only do that as a last resort. I'd love for her to learn to go to sleep by herself- but hey- you do what you have to do! After a drive she will sleep for 3-5 hours. Yesterday she screamed almost all day. She has never done that before-she was fine as long as I held her, but the second I put her down she started screaming. So... my arm was kind of numb this morning from carrying her around all day. Today was better though. I actually left her for the first time. Mom and I went on a 3 mile walk from my Nana's house and Nana rocked her while I was gone almost an hour. I know I need to practice leaving her every now and then so when I go back to work I won't go completely crazy. Anyway- here are a few pictures from this week:
Annistyn and Daddy:

A few other pictures

I'll be doing her "official" 1-month photo shoot Friday or Saturday- so stay tuned...