Friday, July 30, 2010

It's Been Two Long....

Well, if I have heard it once- I've heard it a million times. Yes, I have put our blog on the back burner this summer. But I'm back, and I'm ready to rock and roll!

So here's what has been happening over the last two weeks-

We did take a girl's trip to the beach. Of course, it was really late when we started that way. I had to roll down the window and take a picture of this beautiful sunset that we were seeing as we were coming into Panama City.

I just love a good sunset! :)

Annistyn was excited to see the "beeeee" again. She picked up right where she left off last time. She had SO much fun digging in the sand!

She even tested the water out this time!

She has gotten very good at "swimming" in MeMe's pool. Aunt She-shee (Shelley) does the best job with her. She holds her tummy and you wouldn't believe how Annistyn can kick and swim with her arms. I think she is going to be a natural!

We did some shopping while on our beach trip.
Pier Park has a little carnival in the middle of it, so of course, when Annistyn saw the horses, I had to pay $9.00 for a ride.

I just love this little girl....

And isn't she so sassy?

But she does love her "Mom-me" too!

She has gotten so good at talking. She knows the sounds of every animal imaginable and she loves all them. Monkeys, alligators, and horses are probably her favorites. Not sure where the alligators came from... She likes for the pictures of them to "bite" her so she can say "ouch!".

She is SUCH a book worm. I have to make her play with toys. She will sit for hours and read books or bring them to me to read to her. She loves books.

Potty training is going great. We are ALMOST there!!! She will now tell me she has to "tee-tee" at times. At home, I've been taking her about every hour. She has told me a few times away from the house, but that is when it gets tricky. Most of the time, she will start going and when she realizes it, she stops, tells me and says, "Uh-oh!", and we run to the potty where she finishes. Not perfect yet, but I think we are doing great for 16 1/2 months.

Daddy is her favorite person right now. She calls his name at least 100 times a day when he isn't home. Once he gets home- they are best friends until bedtime.

We've eaten lunch with Nana a lot this summer too (which I will miss when school starts back!). Everytime we turn off our road towards Nana's house, Annistyn starts saying, "Na-nee!" "Na-nee!!" and then when I ask her who lives with Nana, she says, "Pop-Pop" (For Papa- pronounced Poppy) She has also mastered saying MeMe (my mom) and Goddy for Grandaddy.

If you ask her who made Annistyn, she says, "God did." And she knows who Noah is when we read about him and she knows he had a boat. She reminds us to pray every time we sit down for a snack or meal. She has her head bowed looking around waiting. She still claps at Amen.

Annistyn still dances to EVERYTHING, she loves doing ballet "spins", and singing in her Elmo (or Mo-Mo) microphone. She also loves Dorda (Dora) and the letter "H" is her new favorite letter.

Her new thing is purses. She carries one around all the time.

I guess I'll have to get her a fall Vera Bradley one. All she has is summer ones right now. I let her pick our her clothes every day. It makes her more excited about getting dressed. She likes to look "pri-tee".

She also likes riding her ride toys. She will climb on the train and drive it around everywhere or rock on the horse.

I will really really really really miss staying at home with her.

On another note- I've been taking orders for these cute Halloween treat containers...

And still taking pictures!

I enjoy both and I hope to keep doing both even though my "free time" is able to come to an end. I can add an extra hour in at night if I need to.

I will getting back on a schedule next week, so I promise not to leave you hanging for 2 weeks at a time. I'll try to get back to my 2 posts a week!

Thanks for not giving up!!!!



Heather said...

Glad to see you back at it again! I need to get busy blogging myself! I emailed you my Halloween bucket order. Please let me know if you got it!