Sunday, February 7, 2010

If We Didn't Have a Digital Camera....

I would be absolutely broke!!!! I take way too many pictures and I can't imagine having to get them all developed. I love taking pictures and I love Annistyn. I just want to remember everything about her at this age.

So... I guess what I'm trying to say is that there are a gazillion pictures on here tonight.

Annistyn has really enjoyed playing with her "friends" (baby dolls and stuffed animals) for a while now. Ever since she got two dolls for Christmas she has been fascinated. Every morning when she wakes up, she won't let you get her out of the crib until she picks out one of her "friends" to take with her. She has 4 favorites: Baby, Giggling Baby, Ki-tee, and Harley Bear. It really cracks me up! She snatches them up and hugs them. Sometimes she wants more than one and she will be loaded down will all her "friends" when we get her out.

Lately she has really enjoyed her books too. She has always liked them, but now she will get them and bring them to me and pull on me trying to get in my lap. She kicks back and will listen to me read however many books we have time for.

She has enjoyed sitting in chairs by herself lately also. I can't go too far because I'm scared she will jump out, but when I'm nearby I let her do it. This morning before church she was sitting in the recliner with her friends.

She wanted a book or "booh" and I gave her one. I thought it was so cute- she was just jabbering away like she was reading them a book.

She has been really ill the last week. I think she has a tooth coming in. She could really use some more. She is almost 11 months and only has 2! I've been told that it is perfectly fine. Some babies get teeth later and it actually is supposedly better for their teeth. It doesn't slow her down! She can stuff down a whole grilled cheese with just two!

Yesterday we went to Dothan to buy her a "big girl" car seat. We had already decided on the Graco Nautilus. I wanted the pink one for my car! Here she is shopping for her new seat.

She was really excited about it. We're going to wait until closer to her 1st birthday to let her ride in it. She's not 20 pounds just yet. She will be SO happy to be facing the front and watching the TV's in my back seat that she has been interested in for so long!

She got this book as her "prize" for being good...even though she wasn't very good! Sam's Club had these and they are so stinkin' cute!!!!

I wanted to get some pictures today for Valentine's Day and she was way too busy to cooperate with me. If I stand her up, she walks off. If I sit her down, she crawls off. As far as walking- she can and she does when she wants to. Her preference is crawling when she wants to get somewhere fast. Sometimes she only wants to walk. I guess it just depends on her mood. Here are some make-shift Valentine pictures. The shadows are really bad in most of them, but that was the least of my concerns today.

Don't you love the way she is playing with my plant in almost all of these?

Here she is being really silly. She likes to be silly.

This is my favorite even though it's just a little blurry.

I thought this was a pretty picutre. You can tell how curly her hair is in the back.

These are some that I made of her in the Valentine tutu her "aunt" Sherry (Pouncey) brought her.

I said, "Annistyn, smile for Mommy!" and this is what she did...

I think she's used to having her picture made by now, don't you??

Like I said before... my focus today was getting her to look at me and keeping her still. If you didn't watch her carefully...

She would escape.

She wanted to be outside. She could see Finley and her Daddy in the yard and she was hitting the door yelling, "Da, da, da, da!!!"

I had a different problem tonight when I was trying to get a picture of her Valentine's Day attire. She was sitting still, but she wasn't looking at me. She had her mind on something else.

Can you tell what she was doing??

Yep. She was watching the Super Bowl. She absolutely loves watching football!

Whew! That was a lot of pictures and a really long blog post!!! After that, I'm exhausted and it's going to be a crazy week....

Next week is a long weekend. That will be my motivation!!!
