Thursday, November 26, 2009

Gobble 'Til You Wobble!

I don't know about you, but I definitely did some gobblin' today! Michael and I have so many grandparents here that we usually end up parting ways for holidays. Annistyn and I went to Mom's to eat with Mom, Dad, Shelley, Nana, and Papa. Afterwards, we met up with Michael at his grandparent's. I took pictures of Annistyn's first Thanksgiving, but forgot to get them off Mom's camera card. So... maybe later! It was so cute- she had a little silver plate that was just her size! She had ham, butter beans, peas, macaroni and cheese, broccoli casserole, and of course, pumpkin pie! She did really good eating the table food.

I tried to get a few last Thanksgiving pictures, but my kids did not want to cooperate.

Finley had other places to be.

Annistyn had other things to do.

So these are the best ones I got of



And here's one of both.

I am really upset because I have this festive "Night Before the Day After Thanksgiving" poem that I wrote a few years ago, but when I tried to find it tonight- it was no where to be found. :(

Anyone getting up early tomorrow? We usually go out of town, but decided not to this year. It would be tough to get a stroller through those crowds. I think I'm going to Wal-Mart with Shelley though. We'll be there with all the other crazies!!!

Last, but not least, Thanksgiving is really about giving thanks.

God has blessed us with more than I could ever thank Him for and certainly more than we deserve. Every morning, when I see that beautiful little girl peeking over the side of her crib, I am reminded of the miracles in my life.

Hope you had a BLESSED Thanksgiving!



Samantha said...

Amen, Sister! So many times, we get so busy and caught up in our own lives that we forget where all these blessings really come from! She is a blessing and a miracle...cherish every day...these days will go by in a blink! Happy Thanksgiving to you!