Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Pair at the Park

This week has been super busy so I haven't had much time to post pictures! Annistyn went for her 6-month check-up yesterday. She is 26 inches long (60% percentile) and 15 lbs. 1 ounce (40% percentile). She got 3 shots so she didn't feel very good yesterday afternoon or today. She was still running a low temperature when I put her to bed tonight. Poor baby!

Tuesday afternoon- I took some pictures of Shelley and Ross. We met at the Dream Park since it was close to my house. I thought we could get some pretty pictures. Here are a few that I took:

Aren't they sweet? I remember those days of "new love"! Speaking of love- Chad and Kelly decided Tuesday (YES- TUESDAY!) that they are getting married this weekend at Grayton Beach. So I am really excited about that! We will be going down Saturday and I will DEFINTELY be taking pictures. I found an ivory Donna Morgan dress at Ansley Place to wear and Annistyn is wearing ivory also. She couldn't sit up last time we were at the beach so I couldn't get pictures of her alone in the sand. Maybe I will get some Saturday!

Well...we all know that I never leave you without pictures of my sweet baby! Here she is playing at the park on Tuesday. Michael was working, so her Grandmommy and Grandaddy came to play with her while I took pictures.

Enjoy your Friday- I know I will! :)
